Community Redevelopment Agency


A Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) is a designated area of focus for revitalization. Over the years, downtowns across the country declined with the advent of big box retail and shopping malls. Utilizing redevelopment legislation put in place by the State of Florida, the City of Dunedin began its efforts to improve Downtown in 1988.

The primary goal of the City of Dunedin is to provide a tool through the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) that will guide private and public initiatives for creating economic development, improved physical characteristics, encourage investment in downtown Dunedin, improve the quality of life for residents, and establish a framework for the proper evolution of the CRA District.

  1. Maintain and expand financing mechanisms to fund CRA projects and activities.
  2. Maintain the "coastal small town" character ensuring predictable development patterns.
  3. Leverage the marina/waterfront as a Downtown asset.
  4. Capitalize on strategic Downtown vacant developable parcels to foster economic development.
  5. Continue to enhance walkability, the public realm, and recreational spaces.
  6. Continue to improve transportation, parking, and infrastructure needed to support future development.
  7. Continue to offer Downtown redevelopment assistance.
  8. Expand marking and promotion efforts to capitalize on business opportunities and tourism.
  9. Continue making Downtown the "end destination" for locals and visitors by supporting community events, the arts, and historical heritage.
  10. Contribute to the City's green initiative.
Tax Increment Financing

One of the key tools available to a municipality that enacts a Community Redevelopment program is utilizing Tax Increment Financing (TIFs) to fund various improvements such as removing overhead utilities, improving streets with sidewalks, landscaping, and decorative street lights. A TIF can fund any enhancement that adds value to the ambiance and charm of a Downtown that appeals to both residents and visitors. 

Although a somewhat cumbersome term, the TIF program really means using the property tax value increases occurring in a Downtown district above a base year. In Dunedin’s case, that base year is 1988. In other words, the Community Redevelopment District, as a result of planned improvements, sees increases in property values which translates to property tax revenue which funds the administrative aspects of running the Community Redevelopment Agency, along with enhancements to the Downtown district.

It is important to mention that Pinellas County is a major partner with Dunedin in improving the Downtown area. The TIF program represents one of the best government programs as revenue is only rewarded from strategic measures to revitalize a Downtown. It is important to note that property tax revenue collected by the School Board and any special district is not affected under the Tax Increment Financing process.


The CRA area encompasses Downtown Dunedin, it is from west of New York Avenue, south of Bay/Jackson Street and Hancock Street, east of the Dunedin Channel, and north of Scotland Street to Highland Avenue then north of Wood Street to New York Avenue.



Downtown Dunedin 1980s

CRA Dunedin 1980s.png

Downtown Dunedin today

CRA Dunedin 1980s.png

The CRA Today

Today there is a resurgence across the country in the revitalization of downtown districts thanks to CRAs, TIFs, and consumer and demographic trends desiring more mixed-use developments where people can live, work and recreate.

Regarding the inner function of TIF revenues, please note they can be used immediately, saved for a particular project, or bonded to maximize the available funds. Any funds received from a tax increment financing area must be used for specific redevelopment purposes within the targeted area and not for general government purposes.

The Dunedin CRA has been very successful from its inception and work continues with new parking planned, streetscape and the creation of pocket parks. On a final note, when the CRA sunsets in 2033, all the value that has been created with improving property values Downtown will return to the City’s general fund and be available to improve other commercial corridors in the City of Dunedin.

Annual Reports

Per Florida Statutes S.163.356(3)(c), our CRA must produce a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year, and shall include a complete financial statement setting forth its assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses as of the end of such fiscal year.

Below please find the links to view the CRA Annual Reports which were approved at the Annual meetings of the Community Redevelopment Agency. In it you will find information about the CRA, their citizen advisory committee and administration of the City's Community Redevelopment Agency. Along with financial statements for the fiscal year, also listed are accomplishments, new businesses, and participants in our facade grant program. 

For prior years CRA Annual Reports please call the CRA office at (727) 298-3600.

Downtown Master Plan Update 2033

The updated plan includes a Capital Improvement and Implementation Program for the period 2010-2033 with projects and activities totaling approximately $28.1 million.

The CRA Master Plan 2033 was approved by Ordinance 10-22 by the Dunedin City Commission. This plan was approved and passed on January 6, 2011. This plan fulfills the statutory and County requirements regarding the contents of the Plan from existing and future land use to the neighborhood housing and relocation impacts, and is consistent with the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan.

Along with approval of the CRA Master Plan at the May 22, 2012 Board of Pinellas County Commissioners meeting, the Tax Increment Financing of the CRA District was also extended.

Please see the CRA Master Plan(PDF, 13MB) to review the City of Dunedin's CRA Master Plan Update 2033