Sustainability & Environment


Dunedin is known for its world-class beaches -- Honeymoon Island and Caladesi Island State Parks -- and walkability. As a coastal city, Dunedin is especially vulnerable to effects of climate change like sea level rise and destructive storms. As recent studies like the Fourth National Climate Assessment and International Panel on Climate Change report show, climate change is a major threat to communities -- and a transition away from polluting dirty fuels to renewables is imperative to avoid the worst effects of climate disruption. By committing to 100 percent renewable energy, Dunedin joins other Florida cities in taking climate action by moving toward a stronger, more resilient energy system for everyone.


City of Dunedin
Sustainability Program
Natalie Gass, Sustainability Program Manager




Future of the Region Award for DREAM

Winners of the Future of the Region Award for DREAM

The City of Dunedin was recognized by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council with a First Place Award under the category Community Preparedness and Resiliency at the 28th Annual Future of the Region Awards for Dunedin's Resilient Environmental Action Master Plan (DREAM). The Future of the Region Awards event highlights projects and programs that exemplify regionalism, and recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions that benefit the regional community.

This document has a 10 year vision with an extensive range of 150 action items designed to increase sustainability within the sectors of City Operations, Community Collaboration, and Citizen Engagement. The plan is in coordination with the City’s Comp Plan, Strategic Plan, and intersects all of the City’s departments and divisions. The plan is divided into four main categories: Environmental Quality, People & Processes, Infrastructure & Smart Development, and Consumption & Conservation. The document is further organized into ten focus areas: Land, Water, Quality of Life, Our Community, Buildings, Transportation, Water, Solid Waste & Recycling, Climate & Clean Energy, and Consumer Consumption. DREAM is designed to answer the question, “How does Dunedin become a more sustainable, equitable, smart, and efficient city?”

Platinum Level Green Local Government Certification

Winners of the Platinum Level Green Local Government Certification

In 2019, the City of Dunedin achieved Platinum status through the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) for a second consecutive time. In 2013, the City achieved was the first local government in the State of Florida to achieve this level of the Green Local Government Certification program. With these five year certifications, Dunedin is able to highlight the numerous sustainable initiatives and services the City has been engaged in. It is through the work and collaboration of every department, that this level of Platinum status was achieved again. Both the City Commission and Committee on Environmental Quality (C.E.Q) deserve acknowledgment for their vision and attention to environmental issues. The credits achieved in this re-certification are diverse and some of the notable achievements have been summarized below:

  • Ready For 100 – Commitment to 100% Renewable Energy
  • Updating internal environmental policies: Water Feature Standards, Recycling Policy, Energy Policy
  • Improving educational outreach and training: Rain Barrel Program, Recycling Education, and other environmental presentations
  • Green Development
  • Enhancing Fleet operations and practices