How to Host an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Feast

Published on November 26, 2024

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Written by: Natalie Gass
Sustainability Program Manager

Future generations will be thankful for the sustainable choices that are made today! Food waste in the U.S. is a serious problem that gets worse during the holidays. Here’s how to have a sustainable Thanksgiving to enjoy time with friends and family while reducing your carbon footprint.

Meal Prep

  • A key component to an eco-friendly Thanksgiving is meal preparation. You will avoid overbuying food, which will reduce your food waste.
  • Think about how many guests you will be having and plan accordingly.

Buy Local and Organic When Possible

  • The closer your food is grown, the lower the environmental impact of what you eat. Shop farmer’s markets, like Dunedin’s Downtown Farmer’s Market, or order a box of produce from a local farm offering that service. These options are likely to be organic, making it a double win.
  • If you’re buying a turkey, source it from a local farm, or at least choose an organic, cage-free turkey when possible.

Use Reusable Dishes, Cups, Cutlery, and Napkins

  • While it may be easy to turn to single-use disposable items for the holiday, consider the amount of waste that can be reduced if reusable dishes, cups, and cutlery is used instead.
  • Not only do disposable plates and cutlery cause waste, but they also cost you!
  • Think you're reducing water consumption by having disposable plates? Think again! The average paper plate requires 8 gallons of freshwater to produce. That's a lot of water for one plate! If you have 10 guests, that's 80 gallons of water. Running a loaded dishwasher uses much less, usually about 3 to 6 gallons of water total.
  • Food tastes better on real plates. You've gone through all of the trouble to make an incredible meal, let it taste even better on real dishes.
  • Worried about who is going to do the dishes? Take turns! Did you know that moving within 90 minutes after eating is great for your health and digestion? Doing the dishes and helping clean up is a great way to get moving after dinner.
  • Use reusable cloth napkins instead of paper towels or paper napkins.

Explore the Outdoors

  • Go on a nature walk leading up to Thanksgiving to collect natural decorations such as pinecones, greens, flowers and berries. These can be a great way to naturally decorate your table. Add fruits, pumpkins, and vegetables for added decoration. Natural decorations can be returned to the outdoors once you’re finished using them.
  • Head outdoors after dinner to get some fresh air. Taking a walk or bike ride is a great way to get your body moving. Experiencing the outdoors can give you a deeper appreciation for the environment – being thankful is what the day is all about!