Dunedin City Hall Achieves 3 Green Globes Certification
Published on March 21, 2024
Dunedin’s new City Hall exemplifies sustainability and resilience for the community. City staff and construction teams used key principles in the design and construction phases of this project to achieve these set goals.
Built features include energy efficiency, solar panels, electric vehicle charging stations, water reduction, and use of sustainable building materials. The building was developed with energy efficiency in mind from design features, efficient products and appliances, automatic lights, daylighting, and HVAC systems. The energy performance calculator indicates a 47% energy reduction due to these features and intentional design. The roof is fitted with 308 solar panels that were designed and installed to further the City’s clean energy goals. Four electric vehicle charging stations were installed on the north end of the building for public and internal use. A 25% water reduction will be seen through the use of water saving fixtures. Sustainable building materials were selected where feasible. Stone, brick, and other natural materials were used for exterior areas and recycled content were selected for interior areas. The facility was designed with resiliency in mind. City Hall was built to withstand a category 3 hurricane and allows City staff to better serve the community in the event of a damaging storm.
Natural features include Grand Live Oak preservation, bird-friendly windows, and sustainable landscaping. The Grant Live Oaks that were preserved on site are estimated to be between 125-150 years old. They are living history, provide shade, habitat, stormwater, and soil benefits to the property. Larger areas of windows were striped to reduce reflectivity and act as a deterrent from bird collisions. Smaller window features have window frames and panes to create a visual contrast for birds. Landscaping around the building and parking lot area consists of 98% Florida native plants, 100% Florida Friendly plants. The landscaping also has low drip irrigation for shrubs, trees, and palms which reduces water waste by 30% and Florida friendly mulch. Native plants, trees, and palms support local wildlife and migrating species. The plants selected around the property provide cover and nesting areas, along with food sources including berries, seeds, flowers, leaves, and attracted insects.
Other features include bike racks, showers, recycling bins, and water refill stations. Capped lighting fixtures in the parking lot were selected to reduce light pollution. The building itself houses staff from five buildings, creating improved workflow efficiency and reducing emissions from vehicle trips for meetings
For these efforts of intentional and sustainable design, Dunedin City Hall has been awarded the Three Green Globes certification through the Green Building Initiative! The project earned 594 points out of 846 available points for a score of 70% which is equivalent to three out of four Green Globes within the certification process. Three Green Globes demonstrates outstanding success in resource efficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and improving occupant wellness. Dunedin is proud to celebrate this accomplishment.