Multimodal Transportation
Published on October 01, 2023
One way that the City is committed to taking steps in creating Complete Streets is developing, adopting and implementing the strategies and actions identified in the Citywide Multimodal Transportation Master Plan.
On January 20th, the City Commission adopted the Citywide Multimodal Transportation Master Plan under Resolution 21-30. As referenced in the City of Dunedin’s “Strive for 2035 Comprehensive Plan,” the Citywide Multimodal Transportation Master Plan provides a framework of strategies and actions towards meeting the City’s vision to “provide a safe and efficient transportation system that serves and enhances the quality of life for its citizens.”
Based on the Comprehensive Plan and past and present efforts, such as corridor studies, citizen surveys/workshops, intergovernmental agencies and local stakeholders’ workshops, the Multimodal Transportation Master Plan was created with the intent to provide a framework that would develop priorities for improving safety and connectivity around the City and to encourage seamless travel between places where people live, work, and play in all modes of transportation.
The overall strategies and actions that are identified in the plan along with its recommendations are outlined in the following:
Overall Strategies and Actions-
Update Citywide programs, plans and procedures
Conduct education and initiatives for safer streets
Prioritize visibility and safety of pedestrians at intersections and crossings
Improve street lighting
Maintain accessible and safe pedestrian network
Partner with private development to provide pedestrian and public realm improvements;
Create a bicycle network that serves all ages and abilities
Improve safety and usability of the Pinellas Trail
Create and implement regional connections
Continue to use and promote the City’s wayfinding system
Expand bicycle amenities;
Transit, Micromobility and other Transportation Trends-
Improve transit stops
Increase efficiency and reliability of transit
Increase access to micromobility options and connections to transit:
Feasibility of bike share/e-bikes
First/last mile (electric and autonomous vehicles, Jolley Trolley, Tiki Rides, jitneys connected to parking)
Ferry service
Continue to increase transit options
Expand golf cart education and function; and
Create safer and more vibrant streets that serve multiple modes of transportation
Implement safety improvements on high-crash corridors and intersections
Provide efficient and adequate space for freight routes and deliveries.
The adoption of the Multimodal Transportation Master Plan demonstrates the City’s commitment toward safer and efficient transportation system. As the City approaches the budget planning season, City Officials will begin its strategic planning session to prioritize funding and resources to assist in implementing strategies and actions identified in plans like this one for the upcoming year. Stay tuned for future blogs related to the City’s implementation process for the Multimodal Transportation Master Plan.