Highlights from Dunedin’s 2024 Citizen Survey

Published on March 28, 2024

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Discover the Latest Insights from Dunedin’s 2024 Citizen Survey

We are excited to share the results of the 2024 Citizen Survey, which reflects the voices of more than 2,000 residents, a nearly 20% increase in participation from the 2022 survey. The survey open period was held earlier this year in March and April and was widely advertised through the City’s platforms, including the website, multiple social media channels, via City newsletter, email distribution as well as community group sharing. This biannual survey helps us understand resident views on living in Dunedin and guides our efforts to make our community even better. Here's a snapshot of the results of the 2024 Citizen Survey.

High Quality of Life in Dunedin

Residents continue to enjoy a high quality of life in Dunedin. A remarkable 96% of respondents rated Dunedin as an “excellent” or “good” place to live, with 66% marking it as “excellent.” This is a testament to the vibrant community and amenities our city offers, from beautiful parks to engaging cultural events.

Satisfaction with City Services

The survey reveals strong satisfaction with various city services. Overall, residents were 93% satisfied or very satisfied with City Services.  Key highlights include:

  • City Amenities: Several facilities maintain over a 90% satisfaction rate, including the Dunedin Library (98%), Community Center (97%), Hale Senior Center (96%) and the Stirling Driving Range (92%).
  • Parks and Recreation: 76% of residents are very satisfied with the proximity of parks (97% very + somewhat), 72% are very satisfied with park’s maintenance (97% very + somewhat), 60% very satisfied with City sponsored events (95% very + somewhat). 
  • Solid Waste and Recycling: 76% of respondents are very satisfied with trash collection (96% very + somewhat), and 68% are very satisfied with recycling services (93% very + somewhat).
  • Overall Performance & Values: 68% strongly agree the City values arts and culture (95% strongly + somewhat), 48% strongly agree the City values historic preservation (82% strongly + somewhat), and 47% strongly agree the City values diversity (80% strongly + somewhat).

Moving Forward

As we look to the future, the survey has identified areas that need our attention:   

  • Public Safety: While 44% of residents are very satisfied with the police presence, there's an opportunity to raise awareness about the Community Police Officer Program to enhance familiarity and confidence in our local law enforcement.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Residents are keen on seeing more sustainability efforts, reflecting a growing commitment to preserving our beautiful natural surroundings.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Continued focus on maintaining and upgrading our infrastructure to keep pace with development is essential.  Addressing aging infrastructure, drainage and environmental impacts to infrastructure are key.
  • Public Transportation: There is a need to increase awareness and utilization of local transit services to alleviate traffic issues and improve mobility.
  • Affordable Housing: The availability of public housing remains a significant concern. Addressing housing affordability will remain a focal point to ensure Dunedin remains accessible to all.

We appreciate the valuable feedback from our residents. This input is crucial as we strive to enhance the quality of life and services in Dunedin. City leadership and staff use the feedback from the survey to identify and prioritize projects and initiatives during project planning and throughout the budget process.  The City will continue to strive to engage residents through the biannual survey and other community meetings.  Please look for the next survey to come out in 2026. 

For more detailed results, please visit the Citizen Survey Project page. For any questions relating to this survey or the report, please contact Nicole Delfino, Strategy & Sustainability Manager at ndelfino@dunedinfl.net.