Stormwater Utility Rate Increases Effective as of October 1st
Published on August 14, 2024
By Michelle Monteclaro
Environmental Program Manager
Managing stormwater has become increasingly more complex with sea level rise, aging infrastructure, and increasing project costs. Balancing needs with available funding has been challenging. It has been ten (10) years since the last stormwater utility rate study was completed in 2014; prior to that, a rate study was conducted in 2010.
The Stormwater Utility ensures that aging infrastructure is maintained or replaced, supports the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, and sea level rise efforts such as the City's Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan are funded by this Utility.
On March 5, 2024, City staff and Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., presented the results and findings of the Stormwater Rate Study. The findings of the study concluded the current stormwater program is a reactive program, and encourages a more proactive maintenance program be implemented. Doing so requires reclassification of staff duties and significant capital reinvestments, such as capital funding requirements pursuant to resiliency efforts, capital master plan projects, maintenance staff identified needs, as well as implementation of a systematic condition assessment program.
The study also found the Stormwater Utility Program requires a significant rate adjustment through a measured approach to increase the stormwater rate as capital improvement projects are implemented, and a reevaluation of the rates after three (3) years following completion of the vulnerability assessment, and progress of early identified projects. City staff is committed to pursuing grant funding to aid in offsetting capital project costs.
On July 11th, 2024 the City of Dunedin approved an ordinance which increases resident stormwater utility rates for three years starting on October 1st.
- October 1st 2024 -$16.37
- October 1st 2025 - $20.12
- October 1st 2026 - $23.87
For commercial properties, the City uses a formula based on impervious surface to determine the Stormwater rate. Stormwater credits are applicable for both residential and commercial properties. For more questions or information, please feel free to reach out to the City of Dunedin Public Services at 727-298-3232.