Do You Know Your Form of Local Government?

Published on September 05, 2024

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Know Your Form of Government: Dunedin's Commission-Manager Form of Government Ensures Efficient and Transparent Governance 
Written by Nicole Delfino, Strategy & Sustainability Manager

The City of Dunedin operates under a non-partisan commission-manager form of government, a structure that combines the leadership of elected officials with the managerial expertise of an appointed City Manager who is the chief executive officer (CEO) overseeing all City departments and the annual budget. This system is designed to promote effective, transparent, and accountable governance, ensuring that the City operates efficiently and addresses the needs and aspirations of its community. 

What is the Commission-Manager Form of Government? 

The City Charter (Ordinance No 95-19), establishes the City of Dunedin shall be governed by a commission-manager form of government. Via the Charter, the powers of both the Commission and City Manager are expressly established. The elected city commission, including the mayor, set policies and make decisions that shape the community's future. The commission appoints a professional city manager/CEO to implement these policies and oversee the daily operations of the City. This separation of roles ensures that policy-making and administrative functions are distinct, allowing each to focus on their specialized responsibilities. 

Roles and Responsibilities: 

  • Mayor and City Commission: The mayor, a voting member of the commission, along with other commission members, is responsible for legislative functions such as adopting budgets, passing ordinances, adopting resolutions and setting policies. The mayor presides over the City Commission meetings and also serves as the public face of the City for ceremonial purposes.  

  • City Manager: Appointed by the commission, the city manager is a professionally trained administrator responsible for all City operations including preparing the budget, hiring and supervising city staff, advising the commission on policy matters, and ensuring the efficient implementation of commission decisions. 

Benefits of the Commission-Manager Form 

The commission-manager form of government offers several key benefits: 


  1. Professional Expertise: The city manager is selected based on qualifications and experience, not political affiliations. This ensures that the City is managed by a professional with the necessary skills to run municipal operations effectively.
  2. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Efficiency and effectiveness are achieved through the distinct separation of roles between elected officials and appointed City Manager. - encouraging public input in policy making, diffusing special interest powers and eliminating politics from the employment process.
  3. Accountability and Transparency: The clear delineation of roles between the elected commission and the appointed manager helps to promote transparency and accountability, as each can focus on their distinct responsibilities. 
  4. Community Involvement: This form of government encourages active resident participation in decision-making processes through boards, commissions, and public meetings, ensuring that the community's voice is heard and considered. 


Comparison with Other Forms of Municipal Government 

While the commission-manager form is highly effective, there are other forms of municipal government used in the United States. These other forms include: 

  • Mayor-Commission: In this structure, the mayor is elected separately from the commission and has significant administrative authority. This form is common in larger cities, like St. Petersburg and the City of Tampa, and can either be a "strong mayor" system, where the mayor has extensive executive powers, or a "weak mayor" system, where the mayor's powers are more limited. 

  • Commission: In this form, elected commissioners serve as both the legislative and executive branches of the government, with each commissioner responsible for a specific department. This form is less common and often used in smaller municipalities. 

  • Town Meeting: Predominantly used in New England, this form allows all eligible voters to participate in decision-making at town meetings. It is a direct democratic process, which may be suitable for smaller communities. 

The Value of Professional City Management 

Professional management in local government, as exemplified by the commission-manager form, brings numerous benefits. Among these are enhanced efficiency, improved fiscal responsibility, and higher quality of life for residents.  

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the premier management organization for City and County managers with more than 12,000 members across 40 countries. Dunedin’s City Manager, Jennifer K. Bramley, is a certified ICMA Credentialed Manager, which recognizes education, experience and integrity as cornerstones for achieving the distinction.  ICMA members adhere to a Code of Ethics, which are strictly enforced providing professional managers are committed to upholding honesty, integrity and principles of good government.   

Understanding the structure and benefits of Dunedin's government helps residents appreciate the mechanisms in place that ensure effective, transparent, and accountable administration. Good governance fosters greater community engagement and collaboration in making Dunedin a wonderful place to live, work, and visit.