City of Dunedin Wins National Award for Weekly DunediNEWS

Published on September 10, 2024

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The City of Dunedin Communications team was recognized with a National Savvy Award for the weekly DunediNEWS digital newsletter from the City-County Communications & Marketing Association (3CMA).


The Savvy Awards, held in conjunction with 3CMA’s Annual Conference, recognize outstanding local government achievements in communications, public-sector marketing and resident-government relationships. The Savvies salute skilled and effective city, county, agency or district professionals who have creatively planned and carried out successful innovations in communications and marketing. 


3CMA accommodates local government organizations of all sizes and budget classes by judging entries in several different population groups. Over 1100 entries in 38 categories were received. 


3CMA utilized professional communicators from across the United States as judges who review every entry and provide constructive comments on the winning entries. 


The DunediNEWS won a Savvy in the Electronic Newsletters category for populations 0-75,000. The judges’ comments: "I’m familiar with the limitations of GovDelivery, and I think you really utilized that tool to the best of its potential! The newsletter is informative, well organized, and looks great. I like that you keep each article brief with a link to learn more. That makes it easy to navigate, and isn’t too crammed full of info. Very impressive that you more than doubled your subscribers in just two years! Well done, Dunedin! Really beautiful, colorful layout and excellent way of engaging with your city. That open rate is such a success and something to be really proud of.”