CanceledHoliday Boat Parade

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This event has been canceled. 


Kick off the holiday season with our annual waterfront celebration as whimsically decorated and illuminated boats launch from Loggerhead Marker 1 Marina and parade along the intercoastal towards Dunedin Marina, leading up to the much-anticipated arrival of Santa where he joyfully greets and delights children of all ages. Festivities in Edgewater Park include holiday music, s'mores, and tasty seafood treats from Old Bay Cafe.

Parade Route & Viewing
The boat parade begins 6:00 pm in the waterway outside Loggerhead Marker 1 Marina, then travels south along the intracoastal to Union Street, and returns north to conclude at the Dunedin Marina. Boats will arrive at Dunedin Marina at approximately 7:00 pm.

To view the parade of boats at Dunedin Marina, bleachers will be set-up in the parking lot. It is recommended to arrive early and bring lawn chairs as space may be limited. The pier at Dunedin Marina will be reserved for handicap viewing only. The handicap viewing area has a limited capacity and is on a first-come basis. One companion per guest is allowed on the pier. Other viewing areas separate from the event site, include Weaver Park, and along Bayshore Blvd and Edgewater Drive. Please note at these locations, boats will be in the channel and at a further viewing distance.

Boat Registration
Register your boat here. All parade boats must register in advance by November 29. Free to register and participate. However, there is a limited number of registrations available (40 boats maximum) so please register early! Registration may close early if the parade entries reach the limited capacity. If you register, please plan to participate.

This event is presented by City of Dunedin Parks & Recreation, Dunedin Boat Club, and Loggerhead Marker 1 Marina. Thank you to our sponsor: The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc.

Helpful Links
· Dunedin Marina website
· Boat Club website
· Boat Registration
· Getting Around Dunedin & Public Parking

Event Questions? Call Dunedin Parks & Recreation at 727-738-2920.
Parade Questions? Visit


When (All dates canceled)

  • Saturday, December 07, 2024 | 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM


Dunedin Marina/Edgewater Park, 51 Main Street, 34698, View Map

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