Q: What is the turnaround time for permit approval once a complete application has been received?
A: 3-5 business days.
Q: How soon can I get an inspection?
A: The City offers next day inspections.
Q: Can a demolition permit be issued to a homeowner?
A: No. Florida statute requires a licensed contractor to pull a permit for demolition.
Q: Can I as a homeowner submit a building permit?
A: Yes, this is possible for one and two-family homes only and provided the homeowner resides in the home. Work completed under owner/builder status prohibits the homeowner from selling or leasing the home for at least 1-year following completion of the project pursuant to Florida Statute (Chapter 489).
Q: Where can I find the City permitting system?
A: The City EPL system is at:
Q: How difficult is it to register on EPL?
A: It is a simple registration and password site the same as any other web-based member site.
Q: Where can I find general permitting information?
A: The City landing page for building permit information is at: There are many helpful tools there including, but not limited to, Documents and Forms, a Fee Calculator, additional FAQ’s and Permitting Guides.
Q: Has the City waived building permit fees?
A: Yes, until April 30, 2025 for those homes that have been damaged by the recent storms.
Q: Why do I need a contractor?
A: A licensed contractor is required for most construction activities as provided for in Florida state law (Chapter 489). This is to assure building components are properly and safely installed to industry standards.
Q: Do I need a permit to remove damaged drywall?
A: No, the City does not require a permit to remove damaged materials but the Florida Building Code does require a permit for installation.
Q: Where can I find floodplain information and specifically information on the 50% rule?
A: The City landing page is at:
Q: What items must be included in a 50% valuation estimate?
A: Those items are specifically listed in the Substantial Improvement or Damage Review Package located on the website noted above.
Q: Does the 50% rule apply to me if I am not located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area?
A: No.
Q: How can I determine what my 50% value is?
A: The Pinellas County Property Appraiser posts a letter for every parcel. This letter provides a value for both Windstorm Loss Mitigation and the FEMA 50% Rule. A property owner may also use a recent appraisal, if available.
Q: Can I separate permits so that I can get in my home faster and will the value of each permit be counted together for the 50% rule?
A: Yes, but all qualifying items listed in the Substantial Improvement or Damage Review Package must be value aggregated toward the FEMA 50% Rule.
Q: Can a substantial damage assessment override a permit that was issued by the City?
A: No, provided the City has issued the permit consistent with FEMA standards.
Q: I heard that the City has a 5-year cumulative rule that may inhibit what I can spend under the FEMA 50% Rule?
A: The City does have this rule but is suspending it so that storm damaged homes can be evaluated against the entire 50% value amount afforded.