Infrastructure Improvements


The primary function of the Engineering Division is to implement the City's Capital Improvement Projects. A staff of licensed engineers, designers, and technical assistants provides technical support to all departments of the City. This includes the design and bid document preparation, permitting, inspection, and construction management for water and sewer projects, drainage projects, roads and traffic projects, and other infrastructure projects. Engineering is also responsible for reviewing infrastructure site plans as part of the City's development review process. 

Engineering also oversees contracting for services from consultants for specialized designs, planning functions, and miscellaneous studies. Direct services to the general public include providing utility atlas maps, right-of-way and easement information, drainage inquiries, and construction progress information. 

Are drinking water, reclaimed water, or sanitary sewer services available to my property? If so, where are they located?

The Engineering Division maintains current utility atlases for all Dunedin public utilities. These atlases give the general location, size and type of each utility available to a property. In the case of sanitary sewers, we can identify the approximate location of your sewer lateral as measured from the nearest downstream manhole. To determine utility availability, contact us at (727) 298-3178 or, or visit our office.

Are there any easements on my property?

Easements provide a corridor across private property for ingress/egress, public or private utilities, stormwater conveyance, conservation or other public purposes as specified in the easement declaration. Easements are typically required at time of platting and/or site plan review. Easements are typically, but not always, along property lines. Due to their importance, property owners are restricted from using these easements for certain purposes. To find out whether or not an easement exists across your property, check your property survey, contact (727) 298-3178 or, or stop by our office.

What can you tell me about the construction activity I see?

We apologize for any inconveniences that occur from construction activity necessitated by the repair, maintenance or expansion of public infrastructure in the City of Dunedin. However, not all construction activity in Dunedin is attributable to the actions of the City workforce. Some construction may be Federal, State or County projects. Other construction may be private sector activity. Whatever the case, we usually have design drawings and permit information on file for projects in our community. You are welcome to visit our office to review these documents and obtain answers to your questions. If we have no information on file, or cannot answer your questions directly, we will make every effort to ascertain the purpose and schedule for the work and provide you with a contact person from that agency for future reference. If we can help in that regard, contact (727) 298-3178 or For current project information, view the projects below. 

Current Capital & Infrastructure Improvement Projects