Curbside Recycling
The City contracts with Waste Pro, USA (WastePro), for once per week curbside pickup of recyclables at single-family homes. Recyclables are collected together in City-owned 65-gallon rolling carts. Service days occur on the same day as garbage and yard waste curbside pickup.
Drop-off Recycling
Recycling drop-off locations for residents in multi-family homes are open 24/7 and under surveillance.
Lake Haven Recycling Center - 810 Lake Haven Road, Dunedin (behind Solid Waste)
Highlander Pool - 1941 Ed Eckert Drive (South of Fire Station 61 at corner of Michigan Blvd)
Leaving any material not accepted or interfering with the recycling process is considered an illegal dump and is a fineable offence. For questions on what can and cannot be recycled, contact the Solid Waste division.
The Recycling Process
Single-stream is a collection method where all recyclable materials are intermixed. After collections, those recyclables are transported by WastePro to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). WastePro is responsible for the processing, sorting, and marketing of the City's recyclable materials. The sorted materials are eventually purchased by manufacturers to complete the recycling lifecycle.
Ensuring that no contaminants are included in your recycling will make the sorting process easier, safer, and faster! Follow the Tips & Tricks guide for more information.
Commercial & Multi-Family Recycling
The collection of on-site commercial or multi-family recyclables are available by private hauler. Providing consistent services from one business or condo to another is a challenge because of the variation of building types and layouts. The Solid Waste Division is available to help owners establish a cost-effective recycling program.