Sustainable Development


Resiliency & Sustainability Rebate

The City of Dunedin offers residents and business owners to apply for a rebate for constructed improvements that lead to greater resiliency and sustainability. To be eligible for the rebate, the project must be completed. 

  • The property must be within the City of Dunedin.
  • The City reserves the right to prioritize requests for vulnerable geographic areas and neighborhoods.
  • Applications will not be considered if there are City code violations or delinquent utility accounts.
  • Mobile or manufactured homes are not eligible for the Rebate Program.
  • The program contains funding for the eligible building permit fees related to resiliency activities and projects.
  • Additional funding is provided to support improvements or initiatives that are non-permit related.
  • Rebate not to exceed $2,500 per project.
  • The State permit surcharge is not eligible for rebate.
  • This grant will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis, as funds are available.
  • Annual total funding is determined in each fiscal year’s budget.
  • Any specific property address is limited to not more than two (2) rebate projects over a three (3) year period to assure equitable opportunity.

Learn more about the rebate program

Solar Energy Grant Rebate

Solar Energy Grant Program


  • The City currently has a program where homeowners and businesses can apply for a rebate for installing solar!
  • The grant is at a rate of $0.25 per watt of solar power generated for a maximum grant of $2,500.
  • Applicants must be a City of Dunedin resident or business (unincorporated are not eligible).
  • Solar permits must be applied for, issued, inspected and completed on or after October 1st, 2018.
  • This grant will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis – as funds are available. Annual total funding determined in each fiscal year’s budget. 

Solar Energy Incentive Grant Application(PDF, 527KB)

More information about the Solar Energy Rebate Grant Program


Tree Information & Permitting

Tree Removal Permits

Many trees in the City of Dunedin cannot be removed without first obtaining a Tree Removal Permit for $25. This application will be forwarded to our Parks Division to be reviewed by the City Arborist and you will receive notification of approval/denial. The following trees may be removed from private property without a permit.

Learn About Tree Removal Permits

Florida Friendly Landscaping

What you do in your yard matters. From the fertilizers you apply to the water you use, your gardening choices can have an impact on land, water, wildlife, and the overall well-being of Florida's residents. 

Learn more about Florida Friendly Landscaping

105-34 - Landscape Plan

All sites required to have new landscaping shall submit a landscape plan signed and sealed by a Registered Landscape Architect (registered in Florida) no smaller than 24" × 36" (unless otherwise approved) with a scale not to exceed 1" = 30'. The landscape plan shall include the following information:

  1. Site layout including all proposed and existing structures, retention ponds, parking areas, driveways, entryways, walkways, location of signage and light poles, overhead wires and the location of existing trees.
  2. All required landscape buffers shall be delineated along with dimensions for the buffer width.
  3. All areas to be utilized as interior landscape areas shall be delineated by shading or cross-hatching or other methods used to delineate. Calculations shall be provided showing the total vehicular use area (VUA) in square feet and the total area devoted for interior landscape areas shown by total square feet and expressed as a percentage of the total VUA.
  4. The location of all trees, shrubs, groundcover and turf grass. Each tree shall be depicted with a keyed symbol. Shrubs and groundcover can be depicted individually or as a mass if the spacing is provided.
  5. A planting schedule/table showing the quantity of each plant to be used along with the common names and botanical names including cultivars of all plant species to be used in the landscape design. Also, the specifications for trunk caliper for trees and overall height, container size and nursery grade of all trees, shrubs and groundcovers.
  6. Details for staking and planting.
  7. Details for soil preparation.
  8. Complete irrigation schematic detailing the type of irrigation system(s) to be used and the location of irrigation lines.
  9. A North arrow and site elevations.
  10. The name and address of the property owner and the Landscape Architect.
  11. The date the plan was completed.
  12. The landscape plan shall include the site boundaries and the zoning classifications for abutting properties.

Read more on the Landscape Plan


Sustainable Water Usage

Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed water is a product of treated wastewater collected from your homes, businesses, and the by-product water from the city's reverse osmosis water treatment plant. The wastewater flows through sewer mains and pumping stations within the city's service area to the city-owned and operated advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility. 


Stormwater provides for the health, safety, and welfare of the community through the protection, preservation, and conservation of fragile and finite environmental resources and the management of City infrastructure. We also provide high-quality Stormwater Utility Service to the City to maintain drainage systems and improve water quality in Dunedin lakes, streams, and St. Joseph Sound.


The City of Dunedin serves the community through the performance of effective collection and treatment of wastewater in compliance with City, State, and Federal regulations in an efficient manner while providing superior customer service and maintaining cost controls.


City of Dunedin is committed to providing residents with a safe and reliable supply of high-quality drinking water. We test our water using sophisticated equipment and advanced procedures. The City of Dunedin's potable (drinking) water meets and exceeds state and federal standards for appearance and safety. 

Solid Waste & Recycling

It is critical to address the type of use for developments and the type of waste streams they will be producing. Key questions to ask:

  • Who will be using the space?
  • Will it be for residential purposes or for businesses? or mixed use?
  • If businesses will be involved, what type of businesses? Restaurants, retail, or offices?
  • How many people will be using the space? Will the development be for single-family units or multi-family?

Staging areas and appropriate storage space must be included during the design stage. This includes but not limited to adding space in garages for 90 gallon garbage containers and 95 gallon recycling containers or adding corals for garbage and recycling dumpsters.

Learn More About Trash & Recycling


Sustainability Matrix

The Sustainability Matrix sets forth a range of site and building design options for sustainability to enhance the overall development and to align with Dunedin codes. For each development subject to this section, applicants shall achieve a minimum score of 100 of 320 points available. Developers can choose from a variety of options from five topic areas: Energy, Recycling & Waste Reduction, Urban Nature, Transportation, and Water. Options range in complexity and number of achievable points. To see the full list, click below.

Dunedin's Sustainability Matrix(PDF, 145KB)

Sustainability Matrix Stages

  1. Stage 1: Submit sustainability matrix proposal of points the developers plan to implement.
  2. Stage 2: Provide documentation of achieved points.
  3. Stage 3: Schedule site visit for verification process to approve implementation of green infrastructure.

Design Review

Dunedin's Design Review Process consists of public hearings before the Local Planning Agency and City Commission. Development projects meeting any one of the following criteria must complete the Design Review Process prior to submitting for infrastructure review or building permits:

  • Any commercial or institutional project greater than or equal to six thousand (6,000) square feet located in the following zoning districts:
    1. Tourist Facility “TF”
    2. Downtown Core “DC”
    3. Form-based Medium “FX-M”
    4. Form-based High “FX-H”
  • Any residential construction project consisting of five (5) or more units.

Download the Design Review Process(PDF, 149KB).

More information about the Design Review Process

Green Building Standards

Green Building Standards

For city-constructed or sponsored buildings and developments, the following certification shall apply based on project type.

  1. Neighborhood Developments that are owned, funded, or sponsored by the City shall satisfy all of the requirements associated with either:
    1. The current Green Development Designation Standard of the FGBC; or
    2. The current LEED for Neighborhoods and Developments rating system program; or
    3. An equivalent program using as a standard equivalent green building certification analysis.
  2. New residential projects that are owned, funded, or sponsored by the City shall satisfy all of the requirements associated with either:
    1. The current Green Home Standard of the FGBC; or
    2. The current USGBC LEED for Homes® program; or
    3. The current Hi-Rise Residential Standard of the FGBC for projects above 3 stories; or
    4. An equivalent program using as a standard equivalent green building certification analysis.
  3. Additions and renovations of existing homes that are owned, funded, or sponsored by the City and exceed 50% of the just market value as determined by the tax assessor shall meet requirements of either:
    1. The current Green Home Designation Standard of the FGBC; or
    2. The current LEED for Homes® program; or
    3. The current Green Hi-Rise Residential Standard of FGBC for projects above 3 stories; or
    4. An equivalent program using as a standard equivalent green building certification analysis.
  4. New commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings that are owned, funded, or sponsored by the City shall satisfy all of the requirements associated with either:
    1. The current Green Commercial Building Standard of the FGBC; or
    2. The current LEED for Core and Shell program; or
    3. The current LEED for New Construction or derived USGBC LEED rating system (e.g., LEED for Schools, LEED for Health Care, LEED for Retail); or
    4. An equivalent program using as a standard equivalent green building certification analysis.
  5. Additions and remodeling of existing commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings that are owned, funded, or sponsored by the City and exceed 50% of the just market value as listed in the Pinellas County Property Appraisers website shall satisfy all of the requirements associated with either:
    1. The current Green Commercial Designation Standard of the FGBC; or
    2. The current LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance program; or
    3. The current LEED for Commercial Interiors program; or
    4. An equivalent program using as a standard equivalent green building certification analysis.
  6. Rating system versions. City buildings or city-sponsored private buildings participating in the green building program shall be bound by the standard designated for the type of building unless the program participant requests to be certified under a more current version of a designated standard and the request is approved by the City's Department of Planning & Development.

Green Building Certifications

Seals for various LEED certifications (certified, silver, gold, and platinum)

LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

"LEED is for all building types and all building phases including new construction, interior fit-outs, operations and maintenance, and core and shell. Unsure of which rating system to use? Check out our interactive Discover LEED tool to get started; then, use the rating system selection guidance to make a final decision." - U.S. Green Building Council

Learn more about the LEED rating system

Green Globes

“Green Globes is a comprehensive, science-based, three-in-one certification system that evaluates the environmental sustainability, health & wellness, and resilience of all types of commercial real estate. Designed to allow building owners and managers to select which sustainability features best fit their building and occupants, Green Globes certifies buildings that meet at least 35% of the 1,000 points that are deemed applicable to the project. Our custom-tailored approach helps you produce the most sustainable outcomes based on your building’s type, location, budget, and occupancy needs. The Green Globes transparent and user-friendly software allows project teams to import and monitor performance for individual buildings through entire portfolios and compare building performance.” – Green Globes | Green Building Initiative

Learn more about Green Globes Certification

FGBC: Florida Green Building Coalition

"In keeping with the organization’s mission, FGBC has developed green certification programs that apply to construction projects and local government operations. Seeking FGBC certification demonstrates a commitment to providing your customers with products or services that are green and sustainable.

When you participate in one of our certification programs, you are assured that the elements of the program have been developed by experts who understand how to address the unique environmental and climatic characteristics of Florida. You will also find these programs easy to use as they take into account the unique nature of every different project, allowing you to adapt your plans to best address the overall goals of the program." - Florida Green Building Coalition

Learn more about FGBC Certification