Business and Commercial Development Incentives

Commercial Building Grant Program 

The City of Dunedin’s Community Redevelopment Agency and Economic Development Department have designed this program as a mechanism to stimulate and leverage private investment and as a way to enhance the appearance and condition of commercial structures in our City. Improving the appearance of building facades supports local businesses and can have a significant impact on the attractiveness and marketability of the surrounding area.

We offer grant assistance for façade improvements, demolition or undergrounding of utilities.

To participate in this program, all applications must be received and approved in advance of beginning any improvements.

Façade Program

Façade Program

Available City-Wide

Eligible Structures: All City-wide viable buildings with an existing or proposed commercial occupation.

Eligible Activities: Facade funds can be used for exterior facade improvements and ADA exterior accessibility requirements. Possible eligible activities include:

  • Awnings
  • Painting
  • Shutters
  • Signage
  • Stucco
  • Brick pavers (front)
  • Decorative dumpster enclosures
  • Window boxes

Not eligible are hurricane hardening improvements.

Façade improvements that include murals and/or decorative applications will be reviewed by the City of Dunedin’s Art and Culture Advisory Board in compliance with the City’s Redevelopment Agency’s established design standards. Adult businesses are not eligible.

Eligible Applicant: A person or corporation having ownership or leasehold rights in an eligible building or site. Leasehold applicants are required to obtain approval from the owner.

Program Requirements

  1. The property must not have any outstanding liens or Code Enforcement violations.
  2. The Pinellas County Property Appraisers Office must show that property taxes are paid up-to-date.
  3. All work must meet applicable City of Dunedin Code and be performed by a licensed contractor.
  4. All applicable permits must be obtained.
  5. Work needs to commence within 3 months of City Grant approval.

Program Funding: Funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to program participants. Eligible applicants may receive a reimbursement grant equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the cost of building improvements up to a maximum of seven thousand five hundred ($7,500) with a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Those buildings abutting two public rights-of-way and/or located on a corner having two sides facing a right-of-way are considered to have two facades, and may qualify for up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) in matching funds. There is a limit of three (3) matching façade grants per owner within a single retail center. Applicant’s matching dollars may consist of costs they incur improving the exterior of the site, i.e., landscaping, even if it is not related to the façade, but must be contracted for and completed simultaneously with the façade.

ADA Accessibility Improvements: Applicants may be eligible for up to an additional one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in grant funds with no match required for exterior work needed for compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements. This work must be done in conjunction with and during the time of the façade improvements.

Payments: The City of Dunedin’s Economic Development Department/CRA will provide funds for these programs on a reimbursement basis after receipt of all supporting documentation, including proof of payment (copy of cancelled checks, etc.) for all improvements. Reimbursement is issued after the successful completion of a qualified project.

Program Guidelines

Demolition Program

Demolition Program

CRA District Only

The City of Dunedin’s CRA Department designed this program to assist in the removal of substandard structures and other blighting influences in the downtown CRA district. The structure must be functionally obsolete or economically unfeasible to repair. The City's Planning & Development Department may make this determination. All projects are subject to an environmental review and historical assessment, if applicable.

Eligible Applicant: A person or corporation having ownership or leasehold rights in an eligible building or site. Leasehold applicants are required to obtain approval from the owner.

Eligible Sites: Any residential or commercial site within the downtown (CRA) district where there is substandard or deteriorated structure or part thereof. The structure must be functionally obsolete or economically unfeasible to repair. The City's Planning & Development Department may make this determination. Residential structures must have been abandoned or vacant for at least a year before they can be demolished under this program.

Program Requirements

  1. The property must not have any outstanding liens.
  2. The Pinellas County Property Appraisers Office must show that property taxes are paid up-to-date.
  3. All work must meet applicable City of Dunedin Code and be performed by a licensed contractor.
  4. All applicable permits must be obtained.
  5. All projects are subject to an environmental review and historical assessment (if applicable). Federal procurement and labor standards may apply.
  6. Must be located within the CRA.

Program Funding: Funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to program participants. Eligible applicants may receive a reimbursement grant up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the cost of demolition and clearance of a site. The minimum demolition grant is five hundred dollars ($500).

Payments: The City of Dunedin’s CRA Department will provide funds for this program on a reimbursement basis after receipt of all supporting documentation, including proof of payment (copy of cancelled checks, etc.) for work completed. Reimbursement is issued after the successful completion of a qualified project. Projects must be approved prior to beginning construction to participate in the program.

Underground Utilities Program

Underground Utilities Program

CRA District Only

The City of Dunedin through the Community Redevelopment Agency developed this undergrounding utilities program for owners of buildings and properties located in the downtown (CRA) district. This program has been designed to work with property owners to bury such overhead utilities as electric, cable, telephone and internet.

Eligible Applicant: A person or corporation having ownership or leasehold rights in an eligible building or site. Leasehold applicants are required to obtain approval from the owner.

Program Requirements

  1. The property must not have any outstanding liens or Code Enforcement violations.
  2. The Pinellas County Property Appraisers Office must show that property taxes are paid up-to-date.
  3. All work must meet applicable City of Dunedin Code and be performed by a licensed contractor.
  4. All applicable permits must be obtained.

Program Funding: Funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to program participants. Eligible applicants may receive a reimbursement grant equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the cost of undergrounding utilities up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and a minimum of one thousand dollars ($1,000). This work must be contracted for and completed simultaneously with property enhancements.

Payments: The City of Dunedin’s CRA Department will provide funds for this program on a reimbursement basis after receipt of all supporting documentation, including proof of payment (copy of cancelled checks, etc.) for all improvements. Reimbursement is issued after the successful completion of a qualified project.


Neighborhood Enhancement Program

Lanie Sheets
Parks & Recreation

Assistance is available to neighborhoods in Dunedin who wish to improve their identification or beautification through the Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Program. The program is designed to make aesthetic improvements to Dunedin neighborhoods and to improve the pride, property values, safety and quality of life for our residents.

Projects must be physical improvements of a permanent nature that will fulfill a public purpose by improving the physical appearance of the neighborhood, providing a safer environment, and/or creating or enhancing an identity for the area. Project may include, but are not limited to: community identification signs, landscaping, trees, entryway embellishments, cleanup project, etc. All projects must be located on public property such as City of Dunedin right-of-ways and medians on City-owned streets.

Homeowners associations, community associations, neighborhood organizations such as Neighborhood Watch, or groups of interested residents in neighborhoods not otherwise represented by a neighborhood association are eligible to apply for funding. The Applicant is required to match the requested City funding, however the match may take the form of cash (direct expenditures) or in-kind contributions such as donated materials or volunteer labor.

Eligible projects will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as long as the remaining funds are available. If interested, please review the application and manual(PDF, 107KB) or contact Lanie Sheets, Parks & Recreation Superintendent at (727) 812-4529.