If the mobile home is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (e.g., Flood Zones A or V) then the City must review and approve the repair or remodel from a floodplain management standpoint using the FEMA 50% Rule if the mobile home is not compliant with current floodplain regulations. In other words, if the mobile home is in a SFHA and not elevated to meet current floodplain requirements then the owner or contractor must submit a Floodplain Development Approval Application(PDF, 1MB) along with the Substantial Improvement or Damage Review paperwork for review and approval by the City before repairing or remodeling the mobile home.
NOTE: The State does have guidelines that must be followed for repair and remodeling of a mobile home. Below is the relevant Florida Administrative Code (FAC).
15C-2.0081 Mobile/Manufactured Home Repair and Remodeling Code.
These guidelines shall be used to assure safe and livable housing and shall not be more stringent than the standard to which the home was originally constructed.
(1) Structure.
(a) Additions, including, but not limited to add-a-rooms, roof-overs and porches shall be free standing and self-supporting with only the flashing attached to the main unit unless the added unit has been designed to be married to the existing unit. All additions shall be constructed in compliance with State and locally adopted building codes.
(b) Anchoring of additions shall be in compliance with requirements for similar type construction.
(c) Repair or remodeling of a mobile/manufactured home shall require the use of material and design equivalent to the original construction. Structure shall include, but not be limited to, roof system, walls, floor system, windows and exterior doors of the mobile/manufactured home.
(2) Electrical repair and replacements shall require the use of material and design equivalent to the original construction.
(3) Plumbing repairs and replacements shall require the use of material and design equivalent to the original construction.