Kiwanis Sprayground

The Kiwanis Sprayground is an interactive children’s water playground is filled with several water features to beat the summer heat. The 3,000 square-foot play area features colorful, action-packed features that spray, gush, dump and pour water from a variety of whimsical devices. Kids can dodge a crocodile that shoots water out of its mouth; slide down the pirate ship, circle the tumble buckets, and dance in and out of the flower water showers cascading through the Sprayground.

The Sprayground is ADA accessible, has a non-slip surface, no standing water and includes a fully automatic system of spray and streaming water features with a re-circulating water system. The deck perimeter has shade structures and spectator benches. The facility also has a lightning detection system with automatic water shut off and security cameras.



March 15 - June 1:

Mon-Fri: 9 am - 12 pm & 3-6:00 pm
Sat & Sun: 9 am - 5 pm

June 2 - August 10:

Mon-Fri: 9 am - 6 pm
Sat & Sun: 9 am - 5 pm

August 11 - October 19:

Mon-Fri: 9 am - 12 pm & 3-6:00 pm
Sat & Sun: 9 am - 5 pm

Holiday Hours:

Open 9 am - 5 pm on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Closed on Easter Sunday and Juneteenth.

Emergency Closures

The Sprayground will close during inclement weather, hazardous and unsafe conditions, or mechanical issues.


Admission is free. Entry is first come, first served until the maximum capacity of 60 is reached.

Parties and groups of six or more must rent a pavilion to use the sprayground. Two picnic pavilions are located at Highlander Park near the pool and sprayground and are available to rent in 2-hour time blocks. Please call 727-298-3266 or reserve online at

Swim Diaper Requirements

Children 3 years and younger, and those who are not toilet trained, must wear a swim diaper and plastic pants. Swim diapers and plastic pants are available for purchase at Highlander Pool, located next to the Sprayground.

Don't be a Party Pooper!




Facility Features & Activities
  • Interactive Water Playground
  • 3,000 sq ft Play Area Colorful
  • Motion-Activated Features
  • Non-Slip Surface & ADA Accessible
  • Shade Structure and Benches
  • Restrooms and Playground Nearby
  • Group & Pavilion Rentals

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1937 Ed Eckert Dr., Dunedin 34698  View Map

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