Hammock Park

Hammock Park is a unique 90-acre natural park inhabited by various wildlife and plant life. It has five miles of nature trails, five picnic pavilions, an observation platform, a treehouse-themed playground area with climbers and swings, restrooms, and a butterfly garden. Many birds can be seen at Hammock Park and is listed in the "Great Florida Birding Trail Book."


Trail Map

Hammock Park offers five miles of winding trails that offer the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and connect with nature. Whether by bike or foot, visitors can explore at their own pace and take in the sights and sounds of the park's natural beauty. 

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Hammock Park features a tree-house themed playground with three slides, three climbers including a spider net, a leaf and wood ladder, as well as plenty of swings and benches for parents to sit and watch their children play. Restrooms, picnic pavilions and access to walking/biking trails are nearby. View all city playgrounds


Pavilion Rentals

Picnic pavilions provide the perfect outdoor setting for a family reunion, birthday party, baby shower, or other get-togethers. Hammock Park features five pavilions. Click below to find out more and book online.



New Trail Markers
Thank you to The Friends of the Hammock for their efforts in coordinating and implementing the installation of multiple trail markers throughout Hammock Park. This project is a great addition to the park, making it easier for visitors to navigate the trails. We encourage you to come and visit the park, go for a nice walk or bike ride, and connect with nature. 



Help Us Keep It Clean
Located in Hammock Park, the “Help us Keep it Clean” project encourages park visitors to pick up a basket during their walk, collect any trash found along the way, depose of it in the nearest trash receptacle, and then return the basket to the stand for others to use. This project was created as a Gold Award Project by Olivia Ondash, Senior Girl Scout. The purpose of the Gold Award Project is to transform an idea and vision for change into an actionable plan with measurable, sustainable, and far-reaching results. The Friends of the Hammock have agreed to help maintain the program. The City of Dunedin would like to thank Olivia Ondash and the Friends of the Hammock for their commitment to keep our parks clean. 

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Stay on Designated Trails and Help Restore Native Vegetation
The City of Dunedin installed signs in Hammock Park to restore the native vegetation in disturbed areas. Unfortunately, some visitors have created unofficial paths. This foot traffic causes damage to the plants and displaces wildlife. Park visitors are asked to please reduce their footprint and stay on the designated trails only. Additionally, some of the designated trails have increased in width. The Parks Division is analyzing the width of the trails and will allow vegetation to grow back where feasible while still providing adequate space for people to walk, bike, and enjoy the park.

The corrugated signs that were previously installed at the disturbed areas have either gone missing, been found in the trash, or thrown into the bushes. It is imperative that park visitors understand the importance of preserving this unique habitat. Therefore, the City of Dunedin will be installing new, heavy-duty, permanent signs at the paths designated for restoration. We are also working with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office to monitor the trails.

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Butterfly Garden
The Hammock Park Butterfly Garden, established in 2010 by The Friends of the Hammock, provides a valuable habitat for butterfly populations. The garden features 11 flower/plant beds to attract and provide for various caterpillar and butterfly populations.


1900 San Mateo Dr., Dunedin 34698  View Map

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