Local Author Showcase
April 12th, 2025, 2:00PM - 4:00PM
The Dunedin Public Library is providing a space for local authors to meet and converse with the community, helping to support local authors and encourage the community's love of reading and writing.
Call for Local Authors
Author registration will be accepted from March 3 - March 28, 2025. There are a limited number of author tables so register early! Please note that registration for this event is available online only.
Books must be published between 2023-2025. Applications will be added in the order in which they are received.
Space is limited. Once registration is full, this page will be updated to reflect that registration has been closed.
About the Program
The Dunedin Public Library will provide space for local authors to meet and converse with the community. This showcase will help support local authors and encourage the community’s love of reading and writing.
All accepted books have the chance to be included in our local authors collection. For those that have publications that adhere to the library's local author policy, we will be happy to accept any books as donations.
Thank you to the Dunedin Friends of the Library for sponsoring this event.

Library Policies
Visit the Library Policies page for a full listing, including the Donations Policy and Materials Selection Policy.
The Local Author Showcase is a self-service program for local authors. Please note that the library does not endorse the content, quality, position, or opinions of participating authors or their works.
While the library may promote the offering of this service to the community, promotion of an author with a table reservation is the responsibility of the author as this is a self-service program. You may include the library's address in promotions, but not the library’s phone number or logo on publicity materials.
We encourage accepted authors to invite their family, friends, and other writers and readers. Ongoing advertising about the Local Author Showcase will be provided by the library via our website, social media, and Friends of the Library publication, but the library will not include specifics about programs or authors who have reserved dates.
Please note that the library reserves the right to cancel an author’s registration at any time and that dates and times of the showcase are subject to change. It is the responsibility of each author to maintain communication with the library regarding their registration status.
Contact Us
For more information about the Local Author Showcase, please call the library's Reference desk at 727-298-3080 ext. 1707 or email us at dunedinlibrary@dunedinfl.net. For more information about the Dunedin Public Library and all of our offerings, please visit www.dunedingov.com/library or call the Reference desk.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Local Author Showcase?
The local author showcase is a program where authors can gather and display their work, network with other authors, and meet the public. The showcase is open to Pinellas County authors.
How many books am I allowed to submit?
One book per author. Titles must have been published between 2023-2025.
May chapbooks, pamphlets and individual chapters by local authors be submitted?
Only books with proper bookbinding and format may be submitted. No pamphlets, brochures or stapled material will be accepted.
Can authors bring in older published titles and promotional materials?
Yes, authors can bring older titles and promotional materials. However, only one book published between 2023-2025 may be submitted for possible inclusion in the Dunedin Public Library’s local author collection.
Can I submit an eBook?
Yes. Please bring promotional material to supplement your table.
Can self-published materials be submitted?
Yes, self-published materials may be submitted.
What happens to the books submitted for the Showcase?
See the Library Policies page. If selected for use in the collection, the author will be notified. eBooks cannot be added.
What happens to the books not chosen to be included in the local author collection?
Authors can choose whether they want to donate a copy of their current work to the Friends of the Library where it may be sold to benefit the library.
Do you accept books from all genres and for all ages?
Yes. Please contact the library by email at dunedinlibrary@dunedinfl.net or call 727-298-3080 ext. 1707 with any further questions on this topic.
What will be provided for the authors at each table setup?
Each author will have their own table and chair. They will also have a small card with their name. All other display and book materials needed must be supplied by the author. All materials must fit onto the six-foot length table space and be respectful to other author tables. Authors will be given 30 minutes to set up their table. Tablecloths will not be supplied by the library.
Can authors sell their books at their table?
Yes, authors may sell their books at their own designated price and keep the profit for any they sell. Authors need to bring their own way of making change or accepting credit cards.