Library Policies

Dunedin Public Library Mission Statement

The mission of the Dunedin Public Library is to provide popular materials, reference services, and educational support for all ages. The Library aims to provide quality public library service to the residents of Dunedin and the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative Area.

Primary Role: Popular Materials Library

The Library features current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats, including on-line, computer access, and other current technology for persons of all ages.

Secondary Role: General Information Library

The Library provides timely, accurate, and useful information utilizing both print and electronic resources.

Secondary Role: Life-Long Learning Support

The Library assists students of all ages in meeting educational objectives, both formal and informal.

Secondary Role: Community Activities Center

The Library supports community activities by providing library programs and meeting room space for community sponsored programs.

Vision Statement

Igniting the Community with Knowledge and Experiences

Code of Conduct

PDF: Patron Code of Conduct(PDF, 131KB)

Patron Code of Conduct

The Dunedin Public Library strives to be a welcoming and inviting library for all patrons. The following rules are set in place to ensure the rights of library patrons to enjoy a safe environment and that the library is used for the general purposes for which it is intended.

The Following Activities Are Not Allowed In The Library:

  • eating except in outside areas and front lobby area (beverages may be brought into the library only in containers with appropriate lids; no drinks by the computers);
  • use of skates, skate boards, scooters, bicycles or any recreational conveyance;
  • alcohol, drugs, smoking, or chewing of tobacco;
  • not wearing shirts or shoes;
  • bringing non-service animals into the Library;
  • playing audio equipment so that others may hear it;
  • leaving personal belongings unattended or obstructing aisles or seating;
  • sleeping or loitering;
  • misusing the restrooms (i.e. using as a laundry or washing facility);
  • leaving a child under the age of 10 unattended in the Library;
  • talking loudly, making noise or engaging in other disruptive conduct;
  • solicitation/selling items in the Library or on Library grounds, unless it is a library sanctioned event;
  • damaging, defacing or misuse of Library property, including computers; stealing Library materials;
  • Disrupting or interfering with other patrons’ usage of library, including physically harm or threatening/harassing staff or patrons.

Cellphone use is permitted, but must be at or below normal conversation levels; cellphones may not be used in the designated computer area or the Reading Room.

The Library’s computers may not be used to make any unauthorized entry into any other computer or network, and may not disrupt or interfere with other computer or network users, services or equipment. Intentional disruption of the operation of computer systems and networks is a violation of Florida Statute 815.05

The library reserves the right to require anyone violating the Patron Code of Conduct to leave the library. Serious or repeated misconduct may lead to suspension of library privileges, being trespassed, legal action, or criminal prosecution. 


Reviewed by City Attorney - November 2016

Endorsed by the Library Advisory Board - November 28, 2016


Donations Policy

PDF: (PDF, 131KB)Donations Policy(PDF, 138KB)

Donations Policy

Dunedin Public Library solicits and encourages the donation of useful materials provided they meet the criteria applied to other acquisitions, and provided they are given without restrictions or obligations. 

  • The Library is free to dispose of unneeded or duplicate materials.
  • The Library cannot return donated materials to the giver.
  • The Library cannot appraise gifts for tax or inheritance purposes; however, a form can be given to the donor stating the number of items and the date given. 

Selection Criteria

Donations will be sorted as soon as possible according to condition. Materials that are wet, moldy, bug-infested, dirty, chewed or otherwise damaged will be discarded immediately. The remaining materials will be evaluated and placed in one of the following categories:

  • Materials that may be added to the collection. These will require additional evaluation by the staff member assigned to select the relevant portion of the collection.
  • Materials that may be valuable and may be sold to a bookseller.
  • Materials that will be discarded.
  • Materials that will be given to the Friends of the Library for the Book Store. 

Evaluation Criteria

All materials considered for addition to the collection must be in excellent or very good condition. 

  • Books should have jackets (if applicable) and should not have yellowed pages, missing pages, underlining, or writing;
  • Magazines should not be cut up or have missing pages;
  • Audiovisual materials should ideally contain all original material such as liner notes.

Materials will be evaluated by appropriate staff member for condition, currency, relevance and community interest. Materials may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Current best-sellers;
  • Fiction and nonfiction books by popular authors that may fill gaps in the collection or replace damaged or worn copies;
  • Nonfiction books on subjects requested by patrons that may fill gaps in the collection;
  • Classics;
  • Audiovisual materials.

Children’s and young adult materials in excellent physical condition will be given to the Head of Youth Services for further evaluation.

Criteria for items given to the Friends of the Library

  • Textbooks less than 5 years old;
  • Encyclopedias less than 10 years old;
  • Computer books less than 3 years old;
  • Books on politics, law and economics less than 3 years old;
  • Books on test preparation, such as GED, less than 3 years old;
  • Books on the sciences less than 5 years old;
  • Medical books less than 5 years old;
  • Craft or decorating books less than 10 years old;
  • Travel guides less than 5 years old;

Items that are older than these guidelines will be discarded.


Approved by Library Management Team - 9/23/2015


Library Strategic Plan 2024-2027

PDF: Dunedin-Public-Library-Strategic-Plan-2024-2027.pdf(PDF, 4MB)


The Dunedin Public Library is committed to serving its community by providing popular materials, reference services, and educational support for all ages. As a vital resource, the Library aims to enhance the quality of life for residents and foster a love for learning and exploration. The primary purpose of the Dunedin Public Library's strategic plan is to outline a clear vision and direction for the Library's growth and development.

It is recognized the Library plays an integral role in supporting citizens' educational, digital, learning, cultural, community, and informational needs. The plan summarizes Dunedin Public Library's background and track record, highlighting its outstanding achievements. Its vision statement, mission are roles are outlined.

This plan acts as a framework. Staff will regularly review progress toward meeting plan goals. We remain committed to our community and core services and are excited about the focus this plan will bring through 2027. We hope this plan inspires growth and change over the next three years, leading to increased impact in our community.


Library Advisory Committee

Barbara Ferry Meghan Truchan
James Funk Peg DeLargy
Jean Perrin Ross Stonefield
Kathy Pippert Sean Cavanagh
  Donna Moore

City of Dunedin Commission

Mayor Julie Ward Bujalski
Vice Mayor Maureen "Moe" Freaney
Commissioner John Tornga
Commissioner Jeff Gow
Commissioner Robert Walker

Library Management Team

Phyllis Gorshe, Library Director
Kari Calicchio, Assistant Library Director
Anne-Marie Nurnberger, Library Manager
Britney Norsworthy, Library Manager

City Management

Jennifer K. Bramley, City Manager
Jorge Quintas, Deputy City Manager


Dunedin Public Library Mission Statement

The mission of the Dunedin Public Library is to provide popular materials, reference services, and educational support for all ages. The Library aims to provide quality public library service to the residents of Dunedin and the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative Area.

Primary Role: Popular Materials Library

The Library features current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats, including on-line, computer access, and other current technology for persons of all ages.

Secondary Role: General Information Library

The Library provides timely, accurate, and useful information utilizing both print and electronic resources.

Secondary Role: Life-Long Learning Support

The Library assists students of all ages in meeting educational objectives, both formal and informal.

Secondary Role: Community Activities Center

The Library supports community activities by providing library programs and meeting room space for community sponsored programs.

Vision Statement

Igniting the Community with Knowledge and Experiences. 

Goals & Objectives

Goal 1: Build services and community.
Objective 1: Optimize library operations and resource allocation.
  • Evaluate library hours by thoroughly analyzing our current operating hours. Assess whether specific times experience low patron traffic and consider adjusting our schedule to maximize efficiency.
  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Friends Branch Library. Evaluate performance and foot traffic to determine the feasibility of this location.
Objective 2: Increase promotion and awareness of the library and its services through marketing.
  •  Inform patrons by ensuring they are aware of the resources and services offered by the library. Regularly promote programs, events, and initiatives through library e-newsletters, flyers, social media, physical displays, and community outreach efforts.
  •  Go beyond promoting library programming alone. Actively highlight additional services within the library, including passport, printing, and notary services.
Objective 3: Provide a variety of lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Prioritize inclusive and accessible programming that enhances the quality of life.
  • Build digital skills by providing classes and literature on using emerging technology digital tools, social media, and online safety.
  • Collect feedback from participants to improve programs in order to stay current, allowing us to regularly update offerings to align with emerging trends and community needs.
Objective 4: Strengthen partnerships in the community.
  • Make space available within the library for partner-led programs.
  • Collaborate with partners to organize joint events, workshops, and seminars that benefit the community.
  • Actively engage with local organizations, schools, businesses, and government agencies.
  • Attend community meetings, participate in local events, and build relationships.
Goal 2: Expand digital access and technology offerings within our public library to meet growing demand, align with market trends, and overcome physical limitations. 
Objective 1: Digital content acquisition and curation.
  • Prioritize the acquisition of diverse digital materials, including e-books,audiobooks, e-magazines, streaming services, and educational databases, tosatisfy the ever-growing demand for digital content.
  • Ensure seamless access to digital resources through user-friendly platforms and interfaces.
Objective 2: Identify market trends and expectations.
  • Explore relationships with electronic providers and regularly check for fresh content and features that can benefit library patrons.
  • Promote digital literacy by offering workshops, tutorials, and one-on-one assistance so patrons can navigate digital formats effectively.
  • Identify emerging electronic devices and digital platforms that can enhance library services. Stay informed about new technologies and trends.
Objective 3: Budget allocation. 
  • Reevaluate our materials budget, strategically reallocating funds to prioritize digital purchases while ensuring the continued strength of our physical collection.
Goal 3: Understand facility needs and navigate the path to renewed excellence.
Objective 1: Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the library building and its systems via a facility assessment study.
  • An external vendor should be hired to complete a facility assessment study of the library to include a comprehensive evaluation of the physical space, infrastructure, and operational effectiveness. This will allow us to identify areas for improvement, address deficiencies, and enhance the overall functionality of the library.
Objective 2: Optimize and streamline circulation services.
  • Collaborate with interior designers to create a new ergonomic and efficient circulation desk layout, considering factors like staff visibility, accessibility, and workflow.
  • Prioritize user comfort and convenience. Incorporate features such as adjustable heights, clear signage, and designated spaces for returns and holds.
  • Integrate RFID technology into the library for seamless check-in and check-out processes, which will improve efficiency and bring us in line with other libraries in the county that have already upgraded to this technology.
Objective 3: Maintain and improve a welcoming, accessible, inclusive, comfortable, and safe facility.
  • Work with other city departments to keep the building and grounds clean and in good repair.
  • Plan for capital improvement projects.
  • Implement CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles throughout the building to enhance safety within the library premises.
  • Utilize available resources to provide regular safety training for staff, covering de-escalation techniques, emergency response, and personal safety.
Goal 4: Empower employees, develop staff, and plan for future staffing needs.
Objective 1: Develop and implement a new employee onboarding and orientation process.
  • Conduct comprehensive orientation sessions for new hires, covering library policies, procedures, and organizational culture.
  • Pair new employees with experienced colleagues to provide guidance and support during their initial days.
  • Familiarize new staff with library services, resources, and community engagement initiatives.
Objective 2: Provide staff with ongoing learning and development.
  • Offer access to workshops, webinars, and training sessions on topics such as customer service, technology, and diversity.
  • Allocate professional development funds for staff to attend conferences, pursue certifications, or take relevant courses.
  • Encourage staff to learn about different library department functions to broaden their expertise.
Objective 3: Succession planning/progression for staff.
  • Guide employees toward career growth through peer mentorship.
  • Encourage staff to participate in career development opportunities and networking events.
  • Ensure smooth transitions by comprehensively documenting roles and responsibilities to provide clarity.

Materials Selection Policy

PDF: Materials Selection Policy(PDF, 149KB)

Materials Selection Policy


The purpose of the Dunedin Public Library Materials Selection Policy is to guide library staff in the selection of physical and virtual materials and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.


Responsibility for the selection of materials rests with the Library Management Team and members of the professional staff.

Selection Criteria

In selecting materials for purchase, the staff consults reviews in professionally recognized periodicals and in bibliographies of notable books. Recommendations from specialists in specific subject areas may also be used. Suggestions from library patrons are encouraged and considered in the selection process.

The selection of materials, whether purchased or donated, is guided by the following factors:

  • Relevance to community interests and needs
  • Currency of information
  • Cost and availability
  • Suitability of format for library purposes
  • Enhancement of existing library collection
  • Publicity, critically reviewed and current or anticipated demand
  • Diversity of our community
  • Authority and qualifications of the author, artist, publisher or producer

The Library acknowledges a particular interest in local and state history; however, it is not a depository for archival materials. The Library is not under any obligation to add to its collection everything about Florida, Pinellas County and Dunedin.

The Library acknowledges the purpose of educational and literacy materials for students of all ages. The Library does not purchase text books. Educational materials are purchased that foster lifelong learning.

Materials selection will also include consideration of the needs of the homebound and people with special needs. The Library will purchase materials in large print, audio and electronic format.

Gifts and Memorials

Gifts of materials are gratefully accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of as the Library determines is appropriate. Materials acquired in this manner are subject to the same basic standards of selection as purchased materials and follow the guidelines set forth in the Donation Policy.

  • The Library cannot appraise the value of gift materials or sign any form regarding their value. However, the Library will give a receipt showing how many items were donated.
  • Special book plates may be used, but the Library will not place gifts on separate shelves or in permanent exhibits. Except for temporary exhibit purposes, the Library will not accept responsibility for the storage of historical documents or objects owned or controlled by groups or individuals.
  • Monetary donations are accepted for the purchase of memorial books “In memory of” the individual named by the donor. A book plate may be placed in the front of the book listing the name of the person for whom the book is given, the donor’s name, and date.
  • Restricted gifts and bequests will adhere to Donation Policy. Monetary bequests will follow directives set out in the will or estate.

Collection Maintenance

The Library keeps its collection up to date and useful by continuously withdrawing those works which are worn, outdated or no longer in demand. The Library will repair materials when possible. Materials withdrawn from the collection may be sold in the Dunedin Friends of the Library book sales, donated or recycled.

Free and Open Access

The Library considers the reading, listening and viewing of Library materials to be an individual matter. Individuals are free to reject materials for themselves. However, they cannot impose censorship to restrict access to the materials by others.


The Dunedin Public Library subscribes to the principles set forth in the American Library Association’s publications, the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read.

The Library Staff will not, either directly or indirectly, restrict access to any materials. The addition of an item in the collection does not indicate an endorsement by the Library.

Responsibility for the reading, listening and viewing of Library materials by children rests with their parents or legal guardians.

Reconsideration of Library Materials

Patrons are encouraged to bring concerns or questions to the Library Management Team regarding Library materials. If a formal process is requested, patrons will be provided with a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form to complete and sign.

Upon receipt of this written request, the Library Director and professional staff selectors will make a decision regarding the materials. The Director will communicate this decision, and the reasons for it, in writing to the patron who initiated the request. The Director will inform the City Manager of all requests for reconsideration of Library materials and their disposition. If the patron desires further action, a written appeal may be made to the Library Advisory Committee. After reviewing the recommendation of the Library Advisory Committee, the Library Director will make the final decision and notify the patron in writing of the decision.

Materials subject to complaint shall not be removed from use pending the final decision.

07/15/2015 Approved by Library Management Team
09/28/2015 Approved by the Library Advisory Committee
09/30/2015 Approved by City Manager, Rob Dispirito


Meeting Room Policy

PDF: Meeting-Room-and-Study-Room-Policy.pdf(PDF, 169KB)


The Dunedin Public Library offers meeting room facilities for the limited purpose of library activities, including programs, presented by the library staff, the Dunedin Friends of the Library, the Dunedin Public Library Foundation, and other organizations affiliated with the library or the City of Dunedin.  Outside groups wishing to use Library meeting rooms are required to follow the established procedures in this Policy.

Group/Organization Usage
  1. When not in use for Library sponsored programming, the Library Community Meeting Room may be available to government and non-profit groups or organizations on a first-come, first-served basis, and limited to one (1) meeting per month at no charge.

  2. A copy of a non-profit tax-exempt certificate may be requested at time of application.

  3. Such use is a revocable license and may be terminated at the absolute discretion of the Library.

Meeting Room Use Guidelines
  1. The individual who applies for Community Meeting Room use (18 years old or above) will be personally responsible, will guarantee orderly behavior, and will underwrite any damage due to their use of the facility.  Liability will be assumed by the applicant in regard to any personal or property damage arising out of the activities of the group.  Execution of the application form constitutes an agreement for such liability.  Children must be supervised at all times.  The City reserves the right to terminate a reservation at any time without prior notice for any reason deemed appropriate by the Library, and the user waives any claim for loss of use.

  2. An online Meeting Room Reservation Application must be completed in full online at  An applicant may use a computer at the Library to complete the online reservation.  Library staff will provide assistance with this process as needed. The reservation system scheduling process is not complete until the application is approved and the applicant has received confirmation from library staff. Confirmation will be sent by email within three (3) business days.  Reservations can be made up to three (3) months from the date of the application.  Groups holding reservations must notify the Library at least two (2) days in advance if any cancellation or change of plans is necessary.  To cancel a reservation, the applicant can click on the link in the reservation email, return to the Library’s RESERVE A ROOM webpage, or otherwise communicate the cancellation to Library staff.  Applicants not complying with this policy are liable to lose the privilege of using these facilities.

  3. The Community Meeting Room may be available for use during the following times:

    9:30 AM to 7:45 PM             Monday and Wednesday

    9:30 AM to 5:45 PM             Thursday and Friday

    9:30 AM to 4:45 PM             Saturday

  4. The Community Meeting Room is a limited public forum for non-commercial, library-related use only, as established herein.  No group may charge admission directly or indirectly to a meeting held in these facilities nor may it solicit or collect a voluntary offering, nor may it present for sale any item.  No sales of goods and services are allowed.

  5. The Dunedin Public Library is a smoke-free and alcohol-free facility.  Only light refreshments may be served.

  6. Room setups will be provided for selection on the online reservation system.  If a group needs to move tables and chairs, the group is responsible for returning the room to its initial setup before leaving.  Groups not complying with this policy are liable to lose the privilege of using these facilities.  The divider wall in the meeting room can only be moved by trained Library staff.

  7. No room is sound proof and groups may hear noise from adjacent rooms.

  8. Room set up options are available on the on-line reservation.  All other equipment must be provided by reserving group.  Storage space at the Library cannot be provided for a group’s equipment or supplies.

  9. The group will be liable for custodial maintenance or repair if the facilities are damaged.  An appropriate damage deposit and/or proof of insurance coverage may be required.

Study Room Use Guidelines
  1. Study rooms are available by reserving online at and selecting RESERVE A ROOM.  A computer at the Library may be used to complete the online reservation.  Library staff will provide assistance with this process as needed.

  2. Study rooms can be reserved three (3) days in advance.

  3. Three individual study rooms are available for the limited purpose of quiet study and tutoring by appointment for a two (2) hour time limit.  There is a limit of two (2) people allowed in each study room.

  4. The Group Study Room is available for the limited purpose of quiet study, tutoring, and meetings by appointment for a two (2) hour time limit.  This room is reserved for use by groups of three (3) to five (5) people.

  5. Reservations may be canceled if not claimed with fifteen (15) minutes of reservation start time.

  6. No room is sound-proof and noise may be heard from adjacent rooms.

In providing these facilities, the City of Dunedin assumes no responsibility:

  1. for loss of, or damage to, any property placed on the premises by the user; or

  2. for loss or damage to any property or personal effects, including motor vehicles and their contents, of the user, its members, employees, agents, participants, guests or attendees; or

  3. for any physical injuries sustained by any individual, or group of individuals, while on the premises; or

  4. malfunction of any electrical or mechanical equipment if provided for the user.

For the purpose of the policy, the Library, the Friends of the Dunedin Public Library, the Library Advisory Committee, the Library Foundation, the Literacy Council and all City Departments or committees may be exempted from any or all of these conditions, upon approval of the Library Director.

Overdues, Fees and Billing Policies

All due dates for materials checked out of the library are provided on a printed slip at the time of checkout. Patrons may also check their online record or call the library at any time to verify due dates. Failure to receive courtesy or overdue notices does not relieve you of your obligation to pay any accrued fees.

  • Reminder notices are sent 2 days before and 5 days after items are due.
  • After 10 days overdue, items are considered “LOST” and your account is BLOCKED and billed the replacement cost of each outstanding item, as well as a $6 processing fee. When your account is blocked you will not be able to borrow library items, or access Libby/E-Resources. If you return your items at this time the charges will drop off and your account will be unblocked. If not you will receive a mailed letter stating:
    • THIS IS A BILL: Your account has been charged for not returning the listed item(s).  If the item(s) are lost, please pay the fees as described below.  When the item(s) are returned in good condition you will not be charged overdue fees.  If your account is not cleared within 45 days, some libraries may report your account status to a collection agency, with an additional $12 service charge added to your account.  Please contact the billing library for additional information. 
  • After 55 days overdue, if items are not returned or the fees paid, patron accounts will be turned over to a collections agency.
  • Once the account is sent to the collection agency, Unique Management Services, Inc., the $12 collection fee cannot be waived. 

PPLC Public Services Policies

PDF: PPLC Public Service Policy(PDF, 260KB)

Pinellas Public Library Cooperative Public Services Policies

In accordance with the Library Interlocal Agreement, the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative (PPLC), is designed to extend access and improve public library service in Pinellas County. The foundation of this service is consistent policies to guide the issuance of library cards and the use of library resources recognized by every member library.

Although each member library is operated by a separate local governmental unit or board which retains authority over any policy decisions for internal operations and the handling of local funds, member libraries have agreed, wherever possible, to work together to establish consistent public service policies. In keeping with the intent of the Interlocal Agreement, which supports member libraries’ autonomy, individual libraries may establish additional service policies. Therefore, variations in official policies and procedures may exist between libraries.

To manage the accounts, records, and transactions associated with registration and circulation-related functions, PPLC member libraries utilize a shared integrated library system (ILS). Maintenance of the ILS is administered by the PPLC Executive Director in conjunction with the PPLC Technology Coordinator, with input from PPLC’s ILS SIG Committee. Fiscal decision-making authority for ILS selection and some settings is vested in the Library Directors Advisory Council (LDAC). Additional ILS guidelines are outlined in PPLC’s ILS Policy.

Policy Review Statement

LDAC shall review this policy document annually. Policies may be changed, added or deleted at any time during the year by a formal LDAC vote. Any and all policy changes desired by individual libraries, including global patron modifications, must be vetted through this process. Some custom changes may not be supported by the ILS or may result in additional costs for the individual library requesting the customization.

Additional service policies beyond the functions currently covered may be mutually adopted to expand the scope of this document if voted upon by member libraries. Copies of these policies will be distributed to member libraries upon adoption by the LDAC and posted to PPLC’s web page.


Public Service Policies

The following statements are those policies which were approved by a majority of member libraries and adhered to by all. The basis for PPLC policies shall be the Library Interlocal Agreement and Articles of Incorporation.

No identification or account is needed to visit a member library, to obtain basic reference service, to participate in programming activities, or to use a library’s physical collections while within a library building. A library card is required when individuals wish to take materials from the library or to access online resources and digital collections.

1. Library Accounts – Registration Policies

All applicants for library accounts must complete a library card application and present photo identification. When the applicant’s current address is not listed on the ID provided, other documentation that verifies place of residency is required. Unless prohibited by local authority, applicants age 16 and older will be registered as adults. Applicants under age 16 will be registered as juvenile and must have a parent or guardian co-sign their application(s). Any exceptions are detailed in the following listing of card types.


1A. Card Types Issued

i. Standard PPLC Card (blue plastic) - Member libraries will issue a free three-year PPLC library card when one of the following criteria is met:

  • The applicant lives in those areas participating in the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative, or within the unincorporated areas of Pinellas County; or, the applicant owns a property or business within these areas.
  • Member libraries may occasionally issue specially designed commemorative cards with a different appearance. These cards carry the same privileges as a standard PPLC card unless otherwise noted on the card. 

ii. PPLC Fee Card (white plastic) – The municipalities of Belleair, Belleair Beach, Belleair Bluffs, Bellair Shore, Indian Shores, Kenneth City and South Pasadena have elected not to join the PPLC service area. Residents of these cities can purchase a one-year term fee card(s) for an annual household payment of $100. Seasonal visitors can also purchase a PPLC fee card(s).

  • Pro-rated fees for those residing in the county less than 6 months per calendar year are as follows:
    $25.00 fee for a 3 month card term
    $50.00 fee for a 6 month card term

iii. Special Circumstances Cards - Special circumstances cards may be issued to accommodate extenuating circumstances impacting an individual’s ability to meet registration guidelines. The terms of special circumstances cards will vary, in correlation with the documentation provided by the applicant.

  • Abbreviated Term PPLC Card - Temporary accommodations may be made for persons establishing Pinellas County residency with local, state, or federal assistance. Those falling under the umbrella of homelessness can present documentation from a shelter or other assisting agency listing a current timeframe of service, and the expiration date of the card will be set according to the documentation.
  • 3 For Me Card – In an effort to promote reading and reduce barriers to youth’s access to books, most PPLC member libraries offer a 3 For Me card to children without identification, residency verification, or adult involvement. Requests and AV materials are not permitted.
    • A youth is eligible for this card even if they have been issued another type of card previously. These cards can be issued to children under age 18 and allow the youth to borrow a total of three books at any given time without any overdue fines or obligation to pay billed item charges. Should a youth fail to return a book borrowed on the 3 For Me card, their checkout limit is reduced by the number of unreturned books on the account.
    • Should the youth’s 3 For Me card become delinquent, they still remain eligible for another type of card if a second account does not already exist for them, although a parent or guardian will be required to co-sign on the second account.
  • Individual libraries may pursue other special circumstances cards to support local community needs, pilot programs, or initiatives with approval by an LDAC vote.

iv. Juvenile - NO DVD Card - Some libraries give parents the choice to restrict their children’s account privileges to prevent them from borrowing DVDs and Blu-Rays. This restriction may only be applied to accounts of those 16 years old and younger. Not all libraries offer this option but all honor the restriction. Otherwise, the card looks the same and carries the same conditions and privileges associated with other cards in its group.

v. Computer-Use Only Card – Libraries may issue a card valid only for use of basic computing resources. Circulation privileges and access to digital resources are not included with this card type.

vi. Local Library Visitor Card - Libraries may elect to issue a Visitor Card to non-residents who are ineligible for any other type of card. The terms, fee structure, and appearance of these cards will vary by library, and borrowing privileges will be restricted to the issuing library.


1B. Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges

Reciprocal borrowing agreements allow cardholders from different service areas to gain basic borrowing privileges at other libraries. Access to online resources and digital collections is excluded.

i. In-County Reciprocal Borrowing – The following will be recognized for reciprocal borrowing privileges at any member library:

  • Indian Rocks Beach Library card, based on that municipality’s qualification for and receipt of operating grants through the State Aid to Libraries Grant program from the State of Florida.
  • St. Petersburg College student IDs, based on the college’s agreement to Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC)’s Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement.

ii. Out-of-County Reciprocal Borrowing - Cardholders from libraries who have joined TBLC’s Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement can present their existing library card and complete the basic registration process at any member library. A PPLC card will not be issued to reciprocal borrowers. In turn, PPLC cardholders can register for privileges at listed reciprocal libraries upon presenting their PPLC card.

1C. Confidentiality of Cardholder Records

All cardholder account records are accessible to all member libraries. Any member library can make appropriate changes to individual cardholder account records based on changes to a cardholder’s residence, activity patterns, or preferences. Global patron modifications must be vetted through the LDAC. Any member library may contact cardholders in the course of conducting library business.

In accordance with FL Statute 257.261 (B.2), library staff hold all registration and circulation records confidential and will not surrender them or make them available to the public except by a properly executed court order, although circulation information may be disclosed to the parent or guardian of a cardholder under age 16 only for the purpose of collecting fines or recovering overdue library materials. Those inquiring about a child’s records or pursuing their own account information by phone or e-mail will be asked to provide additional information to verify their identity.


1D. Loss of Library Card

Cardholders who have lost their card can obtain a replacement card for $1.00. Cardholders are expected to report the loss of a library card to prevent fraudulent use. All member libraries will accept a driver’s license or scan/photo of a library card to obtain service; some locations may refuse service if a cardholder fails to recover or replace a missing library card in a reasonable timeframe.

1E. Registration Renewal Terms

Once the term of any card expires, a cardholder’s residency information must be re-verified and updated if needed. All fines and fees on an expired account must be cleared in order to renew an account and to extend borrowing privileges for a new term. Cardholders issued any type of fee card must also pay said fee at the time of renewal.

1F. Purging of Library Registration Records

Cardholder accounts will be purged after 5 years of inactivity unless there are billed item fees on the account. All accounts, including delinquent accounts with billed item or collection referral fees, will be purged after 7 years of inactivity. Libraries follow the Florida Department of State’s General Records Schedule for Public Libraries when reviewing records eligible for purging.

2. Inter-Library Loan Services

Inter-library loan (ILL) facilitates access to materials not owned by any member libraries. Not all member libraries offer this service. Each library that participates in ILL service may establish their own ILL policies. Additional details about ILL are covered in the Circulation section.


3. Circulation Policies

With the exception of Local Library Visitor Cards, all cards detailed in Sections 1A and 1B are valid at all member libraries. The countywide ILS facilitates a fluid environment for conducting business between multiple libraries.

Under normal circumstances, the system updates cardholder account records and item records as soon as staff complete data entry, with all records being accessible to all other member libraries. As a result, cardholders are able to make account inquiries and receive account assistance from any member library.


3A. Loan Periods

The following common loan periods have been established by all member libraries:

  • 28 days: General Book Collection
  • 14 days: New/Best Seller/High Demand Books; Music CDs; Magazines
  • 7 days: DVD and Blu-ray movies

Loan periods for the same title may not always be consistent between member libraries. Loan periods for special collections are set at individual libraries in accordance with collection size and community needs. Reference materials and some special collections may not be loaned.


3B. Requests and Holds

Based on the card type issued, the ILS enables cardholders to place requests to hold materials throughout the system. The holds queue is a prioritized list of requests in chronological order by date and owning library pick-up location.

Each member library strives to follow a 1:4 purchasing ratio for print materials, meaning that one copy of each title will be purchased for every four requests at a library. The ratio for audio-visual materials is 1:8. This helps to maintain consistent wait times for holds at all locations.

Users can choose to suspend a request, which will deactivate their request. When a suspended hold request is re-activated, it resumes its position on the list according to its original entry date.

Cardholders have the choice to receive automated hold notifications via e-mail, telephone or text. Mail notification is not an option at most libraries. Cardholders can also access their accounts online to monitor the status of requests. Requested materials will be held for 7 days before the request status automatically changes to “unclaimed”, at which time the request will be canceled and the material will be routed to its next delivery point.

Cardholders can place up to 25 requests for items; all items requested count toward the 25 item limit. Item Types with Lower Hold Limits:

  • Inter-library Loans from outside Pinellas County (ILL): limit of 5
  • Some individual libraries offer unique collections with holds restrictions.


3C. Renewals

All* items in the ILS may be renewed up to three (3) times, unless there are
outstanding requests by others. As a courtesy, when there are no outstanding requests, the first renewal will be performed automatically. The due date of a renewed item is extended from the date the renewal is made and is extended by the item’s standard loan period.

*Renewals vary on Inter-library Loan (ILL) materials, per the owning library’s policy.

3D. Overdue and Unreturned Materials

 In addition to the original checkout receipt and online account access available to cardholders, member libraries make reasonable efforts to notify individuals of overdue materials using cost-effective and customer-friendly techniques. Failure to return materials in a timely manner will affect circulation privileges at all member libraries, including possible suspension of circulation privileges and assessment of fees.

Overdue notifications are most often delivered via email or telephone; few libraries send notices through traditional mailings. Depending upon an individual’s notification preferences, an individual may receive 2 or more of the notifications below, generated at the intervals listed:

  • Due Date Reminder – 2 days prior to due date, email only
  • Overdue notice – 5 days past due date
  • Bill – 10 days past due date
  • Collections Referral – The owning library of any unresolved billed item may opt to turn an account over to a collection agency, which may result in additional contacts.

Failure to receive an overdue notification does not absolve a cardholder of responsibility for returning materials and resolving overdue fines or billed item fees.

3E. Missing Parts or Other Damage to Materials

Member libraries take care to inspect the condition of materials before and after they are borrowed and all staff have the ability to note condition issues on any item record. Borrowers are encouraged to inspect materials at checkout and to alert staff to any concerns with the condition of materials as soon as possible.

  • In the event that an item is returned with damage or missing part(s), it will not be checked in and an alert will be added to the cardholder’s account. Staff at the receiving library will make timely and reasonable efforts to notify the cardholder of the issue so that it can be resolved and the item made whole before the overdue notification process activates.
  • If the receiving library is unable to obtain a response from the cardholder regarding an item that has damage or missing part(s), the material will be routed to the owning library for the determination of any fees. The owning library will then assume responsibility for communicating with the cardholder.
  • Member library staff work together to facilitate communication between libraries and cardholders so that issues can be resolved efficiently.

3F. Circulation-Related Fines and Fees


  • Fines: Money owed for overdue materials
  • Fees: Cost for replacement of lost or damaged materials or collection agency fee
  • Fine Free: PPLC member libraries are fine free effective October 1, 2021. Some libraries assess fines on specialty items due to limited availability and popularity. Fines on accounts prior to October 1, 2021 are eliminated.

Charges for lost and damaged items will remain. If items are not returned by the ten-day grace period, borrowing privileges are locked until items are returned.

Accounts are locked when $5.00 is owed. When accounts are locked, outstanding items are billed. Patrons with locked accounts are not able to check out additional library materials, including electronic items via Libby/Overdrive, and cannot place new holds, renew their library card or renew items already checked out. When items are returned in acceptable condition, accounts are unlocked, and charges are removed, and borrowing can occur. Public computers can be used if accounts are locked.

i. Damaged/Billed Item Fees - local library option

The member library that owns any unreturned or damaged item determines the amount to assess for billing. The owning library reserves the right to determine if it will repurchase the same item or another title. Some libraries may accept an exact replacement copy in new or like-new condition; the cardholder must get prior approval from the owning library and the item must meet the specifications agreed upon, such as a matching ISBN.

ii. Item Processing Fees - up to $5.00 per item

Preparing materials for library use requires extra personnel time and materials. A $5.00 processing fee is automatically assessed with billed item fees to recoup these costs for lost materials.

iii. Collection Referral Fee - local library option, $10 per referral

The member library that owns any unresolved billed item may contract with a collection agency to pursue the return of materials and/or payment of fees. It is possible that multiple libraries could submit the same account to collections during the same time period, resulting in multiple collection fees. Any portion of a collection referral fee left unresolved on an account keeps the cardholder in active collections status, which interrupts borrowing privileges. 8

Payments for fees are accepted at any member library. Funds collected are retained by the library accepting payment with the following exceptions:

  • All payments for collection fees, whether full or partial, will always be transferred to the referring library. Only the referring library can waive its collection fee.
  • Payments made in a single transaction for damage or billed item fees totaling $50 or more that are owned by any single member library will be transferred to the owning library (or libraries).

3G. Damage caused by pest infestation or exposure

When addressing damage to library materials caused by pest infestation or exposure, member libraries will follow the “Collection Materials Policy and Procedures for Potentially Pest-Infested Materials.” When materials undergo localized treatment for pest exposure, residual damage may require additional attention. The owning library may assess damage fees to clean materials and also reserves the right to assess billed item charges if the damage cannot be adequately remedied to maintain the item in the collection. Member libraries also reserve the right to suspend the borrowing privileges of a cardholder who returns materials damaged by infestation at a high rate or volume until reassured that the cause of damage has been adequately addressed.

3H. Claims Returned

The “claims returned” option is applied when, in good faith, neither the cardholder nor the library can locate a disputed item for which the claim is made. Any member staff has the authority to mark an item claimed, regardless of the owning library. The ILS will allow a maximum of 9 item claims; additional claims are not accepted. Cardholders who cannot account for additional borrowed materials must speak to supervisory staff; payment toward unaccounted items may be required to maintain circulation privileges.

Staff will manually adjust the claim count if the status is determined to be a result of library error.

3I. Summary of Circulation Rules for Most Common Items 

Material Type Checkout Limit* Loan Period Renewals** Hold Request Limit***
Audiobooks 25 28 days 3 25
Blu-rays 25 7 days 3
Books-most 50 28 days 3
Books-NEW 50 14 days 3
DVDs 25 7 days 3
Electronic Games 5 7 days 3
Inter-Library Loans (ILL) Varies Varies Varies Varies
Magazines 50 14 days 3
Music CDs 25 14 days 3 25


* Checkout Limits: Individual accounts are limited to a cumulative total of 50 items.

**Renewals will not be granted if outstanding requests are pending for a title.

***Hold Request Limit: Individual accounts are limited to a cumulative total of 25 pending requests. Some individual libraries offer unique collections of items with different loan periods, holds restrictions, and /or fine structures.

Some individual libraries offer unique collections of items with different loan periods, holds 9 restrictions, and /or fine structures.

4. Electronic Books, Magazines, and Audio Books

Items borrowed from Overdrive/Libby are due within a 7 or 14-day period (depending on user selection). 5 holds may be placed. Some libraries offer additional eContent platforms with varied parameters

5. In House Use of Technology and Equipment Services

Each member library determines local policies for in-house use of wireless Internet, public PCs, faxing services, scanning services, Makerspace equipment and other tools and services in this category. The cost of printing varies between libraries as does the type of equipment available.



Effective October 1, 2021

Date approved: April 12, 2021, revised November 8, 2021


Privacy & Confidentiality of Library Records

Privacy & Confidentiality

The Dunedin Public Library recognizes the need to protect your right to privacy. Each individual borrower, regardless of age, is guaranteed confidentiality regarding library registration and borrowing records under Florida State Statute 257.261.  Per Florida Law, we cannot disclose any information on another person’s account to a third party without consent.

You must present your library card or valid photo I.D. in order to check out materials or access your library account for any purpose including obtaining your barcode for the use of an internet computer.

Held items must be checked out on the card they are reserved on.

Circulation information may be disclosed to the parent or guardian of a cardholder under age 16 only for the purpose of collecting fines or recovering overdue library materials. Those inquiring about a child’s records will be asked to provide additional information to verify their identity. 

The full Library Registration and Circulation Records statute is available to view at Florida State Statute 257.261


Sidewalks and Grounds for Public Speech

PDF: Public Speech Policy(PDF, 6KB)

Use of Library Sidewalks and Grounds for Public Speech

Policy Clarification

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution allows certain types of speech on public sidewalks like the ones outside the Dunedin Public Library.

The Dunedin Public Library supports this right, and makes efforts to allow and encourage free speech while maintaining a safe and enjoyable library experience for patrons.

The Library allows petitioners near the driveway and parking area, but not in the area nearer to the entryway or under the awning. The Library does not permit use of landscaped or grassy areas on Library property, except for certain Library-sanctioned events.

Library staff may request identifying information from those using Library sidewalks and/or grounds.

Persons using the Library sidewalks may not block walking paths, stand in the way of people approaching the building, or harass Library patrons. Persons using the sidewalks and/or grounds may not call out repeatedly to patrons or passersby and may not create any kind of disturbance in front of the Library.

Persons using the Library sidewalks may set up a small table, so long as the table does not block the Library entrance, the roadway, sidewalk or path of ingress to and egress from the entrance. The Library prohibits persistent petitioning, soliciting or setting up any temporary or permanent furniture or display inside the portico or on any ramp or handicap parking area to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and safe and assured access in and out of the building.

Persons using the Library sidewalks may carry signs, so long as those signs do not interfere with the reasonable access to the Library. They may affix signs to their small table, but may not affix signs to the building or any other structure, fixture or plant on the property.

The Library prohibits collection of fees or donations of any kind on Library property. The Library prohibits sales of any type, except during Library-sanctioned events sponsored by authorized groups.

The Library has no obligation to, and will not provide any Library-owned furniture or equipment for use on the Library sidewalks or grounds, except for Library-sanctioned events.

The Library does not endorse the aims, policies, or activities of any group, organization, or individual using Library sidewalks or grounds.


7/21/2015 Approved by Library Management Team